The Winter Solstice and an Event in 30 News

Today is "We Tripantu", or celebration of the Mapuche new year in my country, Chile. Today is the winter solstice in the southern hemisphere of the planet. Half the journey of our blue pearl around the sun.

Today can be just a normal date, half of the year, and at the same time be a moment of reflection on the other half of 2024 that we have left to spend.

Beyond the plans and desires of each person, there are a series of events that it is imperative for me to highlight, since they are not in the immediate vision of many and yet they are more important than it may seem.

I mean that the daily news is not accounting for the greatest social, economic and political trend of recent decades.

I am referring to the end of the dollar as a world reserve currency.

I know that at first glance this topic doesn't seem like a big deal, let alone be so relevant to impact our lives or even reflect on it. 

However this event has been at the center of my study for almost 15 years. 

For years I have been writing and warning about it, waiting for something shocking to happen, for an event to be triggered that will set off alarms and open the floodgates of change.

That long-awaited event happened last week.

The Event

The US dollar will no longer be the exclusive currency for the purchase of oil by world markets. Apparently, the old Petrodollar system has ceased to exist and no one saw it coming.

After 50 years, on June 9, the agreement reached by the Al Saud house of Saudi Arabia and the U.S. government has come to an end as it was not renewed by the oil kingdom.

That would be it, Over and Out. Or not?

Well, the apparent calm and communicational silence regarding this event is as worrying as it is to be expected. You and the vast majority of people may not be aware of the implications of the fact raised, but global leaders are. 

In fact, this is one of the most relevant factors when weighing which way the world will turn in the coming years, since the leadership of the United States of America in the global sphere is at stake.

After the fall of the Soviet bloc in the early 1990s, the United States and Europe saw themselves as a unipolar bloc, with no rival on a global level.

This situation is in the process of changing because there is now a counterweight with China and the other members of the BRICS group (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, plus several dozen applicants).

Everything changes, it is the natural order of things, however, being the holder of the world's reserve currency is a very powerful thing for which there are parties willing to fight.

A Brief Commercial Break

Just to keep your attention, it is prudent to remember that a change in the significance of the dollar can trigger the collapse of the global financial system and therefore can affect your personal finances in one way or another. 

As ant-level citizens, it is recommended to have the necessary prudence to not get trampled in an elephantine experience that can happen without prior notice and sooner than expected.

The news are increasingly worrying and at the same time theay are kept out of our attention scope by a distracting machinery of the greatest magnitude.

Let the reader understand these simple words.

Now to the News

Termination of the petrodollar agreement between the US and Saudi Arabia. (1)

Warships and a Russian nuclear submarine dock in the port of Havana. (2)

Ukrainian cruise missiles destroy nuclear monitoring radar station on Russian territory. (3)

Aleksandar Vucic, president of Serbia, says that within the next few months an all-out war between NATO and Russia may break out. (4) 

Viktor Orbán, President of Hungary, says that the West is rapidly preparing for war with Russia. (5)

The US deploys four B52 bombers to the United Kingdom. (6)

US Air Force B52 bombers carry out a simulated attack against the Russian region of Kaliningrad. (7)

NATO enables Ukraine to attack Russian territory with weapons provided by the West. (8)

Poland requests the installation of nuclear weapons on its territory. (9)

Poland spends billions of dollars to build defense and on its border with Belarus and Ukraine. (10)

The US plans to station 300,000 troops on standby in European countries. (eleven)

Russia and Belarus conduct joint tactical nuclear exercises. (12)

Russia announces that it will modify its nuclear doctrine to use tactical nuclear weapons preventively. (13)

European countries prepare their population to prepare for times of war. (14)

England can reinstate compulsory military service. (fifteen)

NATO is in the process of delivering F16 and Mirage 2000 aircraft for use by Ukraine. (16)

Germany's secret plans to destroy the Kerch Bridge linking Russia to Crimea are discovered. (17)

French military instructors enter the war zone in Ukraine. (18)

Russia has officially declared the United States its enemy. (19)

Vladimir Putin visits China to seek support (20)

Vladimir Putin visits North Korea seeking alliances (21)

Russia launches a "war economy." (22)

The US nuclear forces carry out accelerated tests of their Minuteman intercontinental missiles. (23) 

Russia alters the maritime border in the Baltic Sea. (24)

Norwegian Air Force uses Cold War tunnels for its F-35 fighters (25)

Iran attacks Israel directly with more than 300 drones and missiles for the first time. (26)

Israel warns of prospect of “total war” in Lebanon (27)

North Korean soldiers carry out a brief incursion into South Korean territory. (28)

The Pentagon approves the shipment of 1,000 kamikaze drones to Taiwan. (29)

A Chinese nuclear submarine unexpectedly surfaces in the Taiwan Strait. (30) 


Luis Leighton


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